Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nesting Birds along the Canals

Here is the photo of the nest. Strange thing was that two Common Mynas were also flying behind a parent eagle and when both eagles left the nest, the mynas perched nearby looking around silently. I think that the eagle might have caught a myna chick from their nest and brought it to feed to the baby eagle, so mynas were in fact looking for their own baby.

Indian Spotted Eagle nesting in Sonepat on an eucalyptus tree, 45 feet above the ground along the Western Yamuna Canal on 15th August. While biking in the light drizzle, with my son Gaggu sitting behind, he spotted a raptor perched on a tree. I never dreamt that we would be watching a pair of Indian Spotted Eagles nest, with a chick inside and making some movement in the large nest. Took a few snaps.


Unknown said...

Excellent !!

KB said...

Very nice Suresh. Thanks for sharing this wonderful news,

Unknown said...

Great news, but I hope birders and, more importantly photographers, don't disturb the nesting birds in their enthusiasm. I don't question the spirit of this post, but is it fair to post pictures of nests or nesting sites knowing full well how this can have a very adverse impact?